

In the year 2061, mankind's domain stretches across the vast expanse of the universe. Eight students from Caird High School, along with a young child, embark for an exciting interstellar camp on the planet MCPA, which is located nine light-years from their home. Among them are the brave and athletic Kanata Hoshijima and the cute and bubbly Aries Spring. However, once the students arrive at MCPA, a strange ball of light starts chasing them. This mysterious sphere engulfs the students and sends them to a harrowing fate: a remote area of space located 5,012 light-years from safety. Hopelessly lost and quickly running out of resources, the students' only chance of returning home proves to be aboard a nearby abandoned spaceship, where their desperate fight for survival begins and the dark truths surrounding their deadly excursion are slowly revealed. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: Manga

Author's: Shinohara Kenta

Volume's: 5

Chapter's: 49

Ongoing: No

Published: from May 9 2016 to Dec 30 2017




8.02 (Scored by 6,755 Users)
665 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Astra Lost in Space




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