

Assigned on a mission to capture Mukade, a missing-nin, Naruto Uzumaki sets out for the once glorious historic ruins of "Ouran," where he pursues and corners the rogue ninja. Mukade's goal is revealed to be a dormant leyline within the ruins; he unleashes the power of the leyline, causing a light to envelop Naruto, sending him into the past, 20 years before the series began. When Naruto awakens, he comes into contact with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. (Source: Wikipedia)

Type: Light Novel

Author's: Kishimoto Masashi, Kusakabe Masatoshi, Takegami Junki

Volume's: 1

Ongoing: No

Published: from Aug 2 2010



6.91 (Scored by 130 Users)
9251 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


劇場版NARUTO 疾風伝 ザ・ロストタワー

  • Naruto: Shippuuden the Movie 4: The Lost Tower


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