

A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam, and a prequel to Gundam 0083 and Zeta/ZZ Gundam, CDA tells the story of Colonel Char Aznable directly after the One Year War. He heads toward Axis after the battle of A Baoa Qu with the remaining Zeon forces, where he meets a 14-year-old Haman Karn, who begins to fall in love with Char. Char must also deal with Colonel Enzo, who plans to restart the war with the EFSF. (Source: ANN)

Type: Manga


Author's: Kitazume Hiroyuki

Volume's: 14

Chapter's: 71

Ongoing: No

Published: from Apr 26 2001 to Aug 26 2009


7.13 (Scored by 647 Users)
6950 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


機動戦士ガンダム C.D.A. 若き彗星の肖像

  • Mobile Suit Gundam: C.D.A - Portrait of Young Comet
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair - Portrait of Young Comet
