

The story revolves around Ken, a man from an upper-class family that was orphaned young due to his family's involvement with the Yakuza; he became a high school delinquent known for fighting. The only thing that motivates him to take action is through his romantic affections for a classmate, Yumi. After learning she decided to move to Korea to become a police officer, Ken leaves his life in Japan behind and tries to follow in Yumi's footsteps; due to unforeseen circumstances, he incidentally becomes the head of a local gang and tries to hide it from Yumi. As the leader, the gang is renamed the Sun-Ken Rock Group. (Source: Wikipedia) Included one-shot: Volume 12: Trigun: The Lost Plant

Type: Manga

Author's: Boichi

Volume's: 25

Chapter's: 181

Ongoing: No

Published: from Apr 24 2006 to Feb 22 2016


7.9 (Scored by 41,952 Users)
993 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Sun-Ken Rock



  • Trigun: The Lost Plant
  • Yumin
  • Dango Knight: Awaking
