

One of the first Super Robot manga and the one that introduced most of the traits of the Mecha genre. Constructed with the Super-Alloy Z, Mazinger was built by Professor Juzo Kabuto as a weapon against the Mechanical Beasts of the evil Dr. Hell. Koji Kabuto, the grandson of Professor Kabuto, becomes the pilot of Mazinger Z when his grandfather is killed, and battles from there on against Dr. Hell and his allies. This is the first series that introduced the concept of a pilot inside a Mecha, which all series from then on have followed. (Source: MU)

Type: Manga


Author's: Nagai Go

Volume's: 5

Chapter's: 33

Ongoing: No

Published: from Oct 2 1972 to Aug 13 1973


6.65 (Scored by 1,652 Users)
12424 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Majinga Z


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