

In Confucian Era 14276, a violent showdown unfolds in the space surrounding Planet Lagra. And with that, the story begins. Unfolding on Earth and in far-off galaxies, in the past, the future, and across dimensions, the curtain has risen on the final war between light and darkness. A great, galactic epic spanning the author's career begins here! Kyomu Senki is made up mainly of four series: "The Tiger of 5000 Light Years" serialized in 1980-82. "Kyomu Senshi Miroku" and "Jaki-oh Bakuretsu," both of which started serialization in 1987, just a few months apart. Lastly, "Skull Killer Jaki-oh," a mech series set in the 20th century that originally started in 1990. Along with the four main series, it also includes four short stories: "New Rashoumon," "Ninja Arts at Honnou Temple: The Black Magic of Koji Kashin," "The Strange Living Dimension, Dogura," and "The Dogura War Chronicles."

Type: Manga

Author's: Ishikawa Ken

Volume's: 7

Ongoing: No

Published: from 1999 to 2000




36760 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Jakiou Bakuretsu
  • Kyomu Senshi Miroku
  • Military Chronicle of Nihility
  • New Rashoumon
  • Ninja Arts at Honnou Temple: The Black Magic of Koji Kashin
  • Records of Nothingness
  • Skull Killer Jakiou
  • The Dogura War Chronicles
  • The Strange Living Dimension


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