

Collection of stories with subjects ranging from baseball to dragons. 1. Ryuu no Shoutou (The Dragon's Small Steeple) 2. Ningyo Kinryoku (Mermaid Sanctuary) 3. Watashi no Kamisama (My Very Own God) 4. Ookami wa Uso wo Tsukanai (Wolves Tell No Lies) 5. Kanenashi Byakuroku (Byakuroku The Broke) 6. Ko ga Kawaii to Ryuu wa Naku ("My Child is Adorable," Cried the Dragon) 7. Inutani-ke no Hitobito (The Members of the Inutani Household)

Type: Manga

Author's: Kui Ryouko

Volume's: 1

Chapter's: 7

Ongoing: No

Published: from May 2011 to Sep 15 2012



7.39 (Scored by 1,139 Users)
3974 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Seven Little Sons of the Dragon: A Collection of Seven Stories


九井諒子作品集 竜のかわいい七つの子

  • The Dragon's Seven Adorable Children
  • Kui Ryouko Sakuhinshuu 2
  • Ryuu no Shoutou
  • Ningyo Kinryoku
  • Watashi no Kamisama
  • Ookami wa Uso wo Tsukanai
  • Kanenashi Byakuroku
  • Ko ga Kawaii to Ryuu wa Naku
  • Inutani-ke no Hitobito
