

Traumatized by events from his past, Naoki Kashiwada intends to make his high school debut by hiding the fact that he is an otaku, transitioning into a regular student. Naoki quickly develops feelings for the quiet and popular Midori Hasegawa, which helps motivate him to reach his goal. At the same time, Momo Koigasaki, a cute but seemingly promiscuous girl, secretly wants to learn about anime and visual novels to find common ground with her crush, Souta Suzuki. However, things don't go as expected when a mix-up reveals Naoki's and Momo's secrets to each other! Forming an unlikely alliance, the two reach an agreement: Momo will help Naoki socialize normally if he helps her understand otaku culture in return. Two people with clashing lifestyles must now work together to alter their identities, while somehow keeping their secrets hidden from the rest of the world. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: Manga


Author's: Aoki Mutsumi, Murakami Rin

Volume's: 7

Chapter's: 39

Ongoing: No

Published: from Apr 27 2012 to Jul 27 2015


7.2 (Scored by 2,914 Users)
5453 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • I'll Make You into an Otaku
  • so Make Me into a Riajuu!


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