

The story centers around the treasure of Nanana, a ghost who was once a beautiful but NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) girl. A boy named Juugo was disowned by his father and forced to transfer to a high school on the "Special Student Zone," an artificial island. With only 40,000 yen a month to live on, Juugo chooses a low-rent apartment that happens to be haunted by Nanana. Juugo and members of the school's adventure club join a "treasure hunt royale" on the island for the Nanana Collection, a treasure that possesses a mysterious power.

Type: Light Novel

Author's: Aka Ringo, Ootorino Kazuma, Ousaka Nozomi

Volume's: 12

Chapter's: 111

Ongoing: No

Published: from Jan 30 2012 to Dec 28 2016


7.59 (Scored by 150 Users)
2151 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Nanana's Buried Treasure


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