

The story follows the lives of a colony of children marooned on a space ship adrift between Earth and Mars. It was during a routine dive procedure when their space station plummeted into a "plasma field" called the Geduld, killing all the adult instructors and leaving the trainees to survive on their own via a ship called Ryvius. All seems to be going well until the thirst for power corrupts one of the crew, and a grab for ultimate control is made. Based on the intense Bandai anime, Infinite Ryvius promises to delve further into the story than previously imagined. (Source: MU)

Type: Manga

Author's: Yatate Hajime, Kuroda Yousuke, Kurihashi Shinsuke

Volume's: 2

Chapter's: 10

Ongoing: No

Published: from Dec 18 1999 to Sep 18 2000


6.36 (Scored by 116 Users)
17681 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Infinite Ryvius




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