

Kidou Senshi Cross Bone Gundam: Ghost is set in the year UC 0153—two decades after the Cross Bone Gundam series and in the story timeframe of the Kidou Senshi V Gundam anime. The first Cross Bone Gundam series followed the conflict between the burgeoning Jupiter Empire and a small resistance force in UC 0133. Kidou Senshi Cross Bone Gundam Skull Heart and Koutetsu no Nananin show the aftermath of the conflict three years later. (Source: ANN)

Type: Manga


Author's: Hasegawa Yuuichi

Volume's: 12

Chapter's: 53

Ongoing: No

Published: from Nov 26 2011 to Mar 26 2016


7.19 (Scored by 253 Users)
6165 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Mobile Suit Cross Bone Gundam: Ghost


機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム ゴースト


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