

July 2011 Special When Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin bail on being models for an upcoming fashion show, Mei Yasumura finds herself scrambling through last-minute replacements. Unfortunately for her, the Hitachiin twins have already sent in their substitute: Ritsu Kasanoda. With all options exhausted and time running out, Mei resolves to train a vexed Kasanoda to become her model. August 2011 Special On a hot midsummer night, a few of the Ouran Host Club members begin to share ghost stories to each other. Soon, they are interrupted by a tardy Takashi Morinozuka, who claims to have seen an apparition. Upon arriving at the location of the sighting, the group is surprised to see that the ghost looks similar to Kyouya Ootori—who is very much alive. As they try to identify the mysterious figure, the club encounters a child with a wish to attend a festival. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: Manga


Author's: Hatori Bisco

Chapter's: 2

Ongoing: No

Published: from Jul 23 2011 to Aug 24 2011




8.11 (Scored by 2,518 Users)
525 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Ouran High School Host Club Special


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