

Nagisa Yamada is a junior high school student who lives in the remote countryside town of Tottori. Her father has passed away years ago, and her mother does part-time jobs to support the family. She is a realist, and wants to graduate as soon as possible to live her own life. Mokuzu Umino is a melancholic and very mysterious transfer student. She claims to be a mermaid, come to land on a mission to find a true friend before the storm comes. At Tottori, the two girls meet, develop a unique friendship, and do what they can to keep living.

Type: Light Novel


Author's: Sakuraba Kazuki, Muu

Volume's: 1

Chapter's: 3

Ongoing: No

Published: from Nov 2004


28514 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない A Lollypop or A Bullet

  • Satou Kashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai
  • A Lollipop or a Bullet
  • Sugar Candy Bullets Can’t Pierce Anything


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