

Lee Woo-hee was kidnapped and found under a plum tree with a faint memory of a man telling her, "I promise you that until the day we meet again, you will be reborn." After that incident, her father became protective and would only allow her to go from the house to the plum tree she loved. However, she would be allowed to venture into the village on the day of the new moon. One such day she meets a exorcist that warns her of a man dressed in black. Will she take this warning to heart? Or is it already too late...? (Source: Forte Atrox)

Type: Manhwa

Author's: Lee Sun-Young

Volume's: 5

Chapter's: 15

Ongoing: No

Published: from 2010 to 2012



7.08 (Scored by 563 Users)
7700 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Dollhouse
  • Doll song
