

The protagonist, a poor, moody student named Tachi Miroku, was recently recognized as the Best New Writer in a major literary competition, but the stress of living up to his family's goals of him becoming a powerful man has broken him on the cusp of greatness. Despite his tremendous potential, success does not come easy. Alone and without direction, every day is a vicious battle with his past and his moral fiber. He hasn't been to work in four months and his dreams are a total mess filled with abuse, taunting, and the strong smell of blood. And that is just the tip of the iceberg... (Source: ANN)

Type: Manga


Author's: Ochiai Naoyuki

Volume's: 10

Chapter's: 93

Ongoing: No

Published: from Jan 9 2007 to Mar 1 2011



7.45 (Scored by 1,773 Users)
3076 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


罪と罰 A Falsified Romance

  • Crime and Punishment: A Falsified Romance


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