

The magical island of Never Land is home to Pixie Hollow, the realm of fairies—the most famous one being the tinker-talent fairy Tinkerbell. Fairies like Tinkerbell were born from a human baby's first laugh, and each of them has a talent. Among these fairies is Petite, the tiniest fairy in all of Pixie Hollow. The 777th moon since Petite's birth is approaching, and by that time, fledglings like her will need to determine their talent in order to become major fairies. Despite all her efforts to find her calling and help the others, Petite cannot seem to do anything right. But with the support of popular fairies Tinkerbell and Dill, Petite will do her best to discover what her talent is. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: Manga


Author's: Asuka Jun

Volume's: 1

Chapter's: 4

Ongoing: No

Published: from Feb 17 2006 to Dec 16 2006



19359 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


Disney Fairies: The Petite Fairy's Diary


Disney Fairies 小さな妖精プティの日記


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