

Set in the same universe as High School DxD, but years before the events of that series, the story centers on Tobio Ikuse, a high school student still reeling from an incident that caused the disappearance of his childhood friends. One day, he is attacked by beings known as "Utsusemi," but is rescued by Natsume, one of his missing friends. Together with Natsume and another girl named Vali, he races to find out the cause of his friends' disappearance. (Source: ANN)

Type: Manga

Author's: Ishibumi Ichiei, Kikurage

Volume's: 2

Chapter's: 12

Ongoing: No

Published: from Dec 26 2019 to Nov 27 2020


6.45 (Scored by 162 Users)
16884 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


堕天の狗神 -SLASHDØG- ハイスクールD×D Universe


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