

Your body is their business! Five young students at a Buddhist university, three guys and two girls, find little call for their job skills in today's Tokyo... among the living, that is! But all that stuff in college they were told would never pay off—you know, channeling, dowsing, ESP—gives them a direct line to the dead, the dead who are still trapped in their corpses and can't move on to the next reincarnation. The five form the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service: whether suicide, murder, accident, or illness, they'll carry your body wherever it needs to go to free your soul! (Source: Dark Horse)

Type: Manga

Author's: Otsuka Eiji, Yamazaki Housui

Ongoing: Yes

Published: from 2000 to ?


7.71 (Scored by 2,268 Users)
1701 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:


The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service


