

The series follows Meisuke Nueno, better known as Nube, an exorcist who also happens to be the teacher for a 5th grade class at Doumori Elementary. While he uses many various exorcism techniques, his main weapon is the Demon Hand which is the power of a chaotic oni sealed right where his left hand should be. The series follows Nube and Doumori class 5-3 though the many weird, chaotic, and downright silly and insane encounters they face with the many forms and elements of the supernatural. (Source: Wikipedia) Included one-shots: Volume 1: Jigoku Sensei Nubo (2nd pilot) Volume 2: Jigoku Sensei Nubo (1st pilot)

Type: Manga


Author's: Okano Takeshi, Makura Shou

Volume's: 31

Chapter's: 279

Ongoing: No

Published: from Aug 24 1993 to May 11 1999


7.48 (Scored by 1,180 Users)
3125 Ranked in Manga

Also Known As:



  • Hell Teacher Nubo
  • Hell Teacher Nube
