In the fief-controlled areas there is a vast wild land called Abusegahara, and in the summer of the 3rd year of Ansei (1856), a follower, Monza Suda, suggests to his feudal lord that he reclaim this undeveloped land. However, as most of his retainers, including Shuuma Yagyuu, are against the idea, Monza is forced to reclaim the land by himself with the help of his younger sister Tsubomi and his retainer Pekunai. However, the reclaiming work is disturbed by the local yakuza Juubee Kuronushiya, and also by natural disaster. Almost reduced to beggary, Monza nevertheless refuses to give up, using all of his assets for the effort. In the meantime, more and more people gradually lend him their support. (Source: Tezuka Osamu Official)