Takeshi Sakurai is an average 30-year-old newlywed who gave up his dream of publishing a manga in the coveted Weekly Shounen Jump magazine. Four years after his aspirations were crushed, Sakurai receives a phone call from his former editor, MomiyaXX, who presents him with an opportunity to revive it. The proposal stipulates that Sakurai will create a manga that reveals the behind-the-scenes processes that go into creating Japan's top-selling periodical. Though he feels like he is being forced to make the manga against his will, Sakurai's wife nonetheless cheers him on from the side. From creating the resin plates for the color-changing pages to binding them together, Jump no Tadashii Tsukurikata! illustrates how a single copy of Weekly Shounen Jump ends up on store shelves. [Written by MAL Rewrite]