

The plot revolves around Doki, a female rabbit, meeting, falling in love with, and chasing Nabi, a male cat, in a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Nabi attempts to cure Doki's infatuation for him, but after seeing the extent of her love, he gives in and finds something he can appreciate in her. (Source: Wikipedia)

Type: ONA

Rating: G - All Ages


Source: Original

Episode: 5 eps

Duration: 4 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Apr 20 2003 to Dec 9 2008

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

1: "Tteosda! Geunyeo! (떳다! 그녀!; There she is!)" by Witches (eps 1) 2: "Happy Birthday to Me" by Bulldog Mansion (eps (ep2)) 3: "3-cha Seongjing" (3차 성징; Tertiary) by T.A.Copy (ep 3) 4: "Wolsik (월식; Lunar Eclipse) by Tabu (타부) (ep 4) 5: "Imagine" by Brunch (eps 5)



7.84 (Scored by 13,944 Users)
955 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


There She Is!!


떳다 그녀!!
