

Set in the year 2052, Earth has managed to find peace until the arrival of the Death Force - ruthless aliens from a dying solar system - who are desperately searching for a new home. Attacking the Earth with a massive satellite ship called Terror Star, the aliens proceed to terraform the planet to make it their own. For mankind there is one hope: it's up to Colin Collins and a small band of his fellow surviving students to crew a top-secret submersible vessel that can fight the invaders at sea or in space.

Type: TV

Rating: PG - Children


Source: Original

Studio's: Academy Productions

Episode: 24 eps

Duration: 26 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Oct 13 1979 to Mar 30 1980

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"Space Carrier Blue Noah: Toward the Great Ocean" by Mayo Kawasaki "Uchuu Kuubo Blue Noah: Ooinaru Umi e" by Mayo Kawasaki

Ending Themes

"Night Cruise" by Hiroshi Miyagawa



6.5 (Scored by 669 Users)
7080 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Space Carrier Blue Noah



  • Thundersub
  • Anti-Space Ship
  • Uchu Kubo Blue Noah
