

Episode 01: Rito becomes a Woman Lala invents a gizmo to make her bust bigger. However, this invention of hers accidentally turns Rito into a woman. Episode 02: Rito and Mikan Feeling lonely because Rito is always spending time with Lala, Mikan storms out of the house. While Rito and Lala are out looking for her a few flashbacks from the past, showing Rito and Mikan as kids, are shown. Episode 03: Welcome to the Southern Resort!! Haruna wins an island resort trip for ten females. Rito gets turned into a dog by one of Lala's inventions and somehow ends up on the island as well. Episode 04: Trouble Quest Rito and the girls become trapped inside an RPG game where the objective is to save Lala and defeat the evil witch Kyouko. Episode 05: Nana and Momo Lala's sisters cause mischief for Rito and his harem at a cherry blossom viewing. Episode 06: Draft, Metamorphose, Hand & Tail Yami and Yui confront with a senior, causing Yui to lose her panties. Mikan finds Peke taking snapshots of new clothing while shopping. Suddenly, a stranger steals her bag. As Rito tries to explore Lala's cleaned-up bedroom, he accidentally activates one of Lala's invention, fusing his hand to Lala's tail.

Type: OVA

Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity

Source: Manga

Studio's: Xebec

Episode: 6 eps

Duration: 25 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Apr 3 2009 to Apr 2 2010

Premiered: n/a



Parent Story

Opening Themes

"Yattekoi! Daisuki" by Haruka Tomatsu and Sayuri Yahagi

Ending Themes

1: "Apple Panic!? (あっぷる・ぱにっく!?)" by Haruka Tomatsu and Sayuri Yahagi (eps 1,2, 4, 5 & 6) 2: "Lucky tune (ラッキーチューン)" by Anna (eps 3)



7.24 (Scored by 103,291 Users)
3136 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


To LOVEる -とらぶる-

  • To-LOVE-Ru OVA
  • Trouble OVA
  • To Love You OVA


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