

The series is set in Zentrix City, a seemingly "perfect" city. Emperor Jarad is a scientist who with the help of scientists Dr. Roark and Dr. Coy, created a super-computer called OmnicronPsy, which manages all of the city's higher and day-to-day functions, controlling a wide variety of machines and robots, allowing humankind to live a seemingly "perfect" life. However OmnicronPsy, using His super-intelligence, decides that it would make a better ruler than Jarad, and starts to break down the coding that stops him from revolting and harming the Royal Family. Discovering this, Jarad and Dr. Roark head back in time 7 years to stop the revolt from ever happening. To accomplish this they plan to shut down the six Zentrium chips that power OmnicronPsy. Upon discovering this, Jarad's daughter and only heir, Princess Megan, proceeds to follow him to the past while OmnicronPsy concurrently undoes his restriction codes and sends his Robo Guards to hunt her down.

Type: TV

Rating: PG - Children


Source: Original

Episode: 26 eps

Duration: 25 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Apr 5 2003 to Sep 27 2003

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"Change the Future" by B'z



6.26 (Scored by 449 Users)
8491 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:




時空冒険記 ゼントリックス
