

Set in an alternate version of the Meiji Era, a boy named Sakamoto Ryunosuke returns to Kyoto from Shanghai with his monster (youkai) Nekomaru. The law states that in order to live freely with humans, a youkai must be liscensed. The Kidou Shinsengumi Co. Ltd. is responsible for the capture of unliscensed youkais but must fight with the Tsubamegumi, who resents the new law. It turns out that Ryunosuke is the son of the owner of the Shinsengumis.

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older

Source: Game

Studio's: Trinet Entertainment Picture Magic

Episode: 13 eps

Duration: 25 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jul 2 2005 to Sep 24 2005

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

"時代の無双花 [Toki no Musoubana]" by Hiromi Satou

Ending Themes

"始まりの風よ吹け [Hajimari no Kaze yo Fuke]" by Misato Fujiya



6.11 (Scored by 2,294 Users)
9336 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Moeyo Ken TV


機動新撰組 萌えよ剣 TV
