

Hakuo Gakuin used to be a prestigious high school, and famous for martial arts. However, because its rival school; Seishikan, has been cowardly luring it's superior students, Hakuo was going to decline. In order to recover from the situation, the acting principal of Hakuo; Hojo Himeko, sends Yagyu Ranko to the Fuma Village in search of the famous Fuma ninja clan for assistance. The leader of the Fuma sent Kojiro to Hakuo, there he faces the notorious Yasha clan who fights for Seishikan lead by Asuka Musashi. Soon Kojiro's comrades arrive and an all-out ninja war postponed for 500 years begins between the 2 clans. (Source: TMDB)

Type: OVA

Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Source: Manga

Studio's: animate Film

Episode: 1 eps

Duration: 49 min

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Nov 21 1991

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"Kaze no Soldier (風の戦士(ソルジャー))" by Hidemi Miura

Ending Themes

"Ano Hi Kaze no Naka de... (あの日風の中で…)" by Hidemi Miura



6.29 (Scored by 806 Users)
8354 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:



  • Fuma no Kojiro: Fuma Hanran hen
  • Kojiro of the Fuma: Fuma Rebellion Chapter


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