

The OVA series Sonic Soldier Borgman serves as a sequel to the 1980s television series about an elite squad of bio-enhanced, crime-fighting humans known as Borgmen. Picking up several years after the dissolution of the original Borgman team, this volume reunites the three remaining members--rocket scientist Ryo, his girlfriend Anise, and police officer Chuck Sweager--for the emotionally-driven episode "Lover`s Rain," which finds the trio facing an army of the undead bent on a rampage of murder and destruction. (Source: AniDB)

Type: Movie

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Source: Other

Studio's: Ashi Productions

Episode: 1 eps

Duration: 33 min

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Dec 1 1990

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"Ashita e no Chikai: Midnight Run (明日への誓い-MIDNIGHT RUN-)" by Kouichi Yamadera

Ending Themes

"Futari Dake no Irie: Yes, I Love You (二人だけの入り江-Yes,I Love You-)" by Kouichi Yamadera



5.69 (Scored by 682 Users)
11382 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Sonic Soldier Borgman: Lovers Rain


超音戦士ボーグマン LOVERS RAIN


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