

In the year 1939, humanity was on the verge of destruction. Equipped with weapons of devastating power, a mysterious alien race, known as the Neuroi, began an invasion of the Earth, ravaging the planet, obliterating countries, and vanquishing human armies. To counter this seemingly unstoppable force, the world's powers united. A new device was produced, called the Striker Unit, capable of facing Neuroi technology. Girls equipped with the Striker Unit became known as the Witches, forming humanity's last line of defense. They began their fight against the Neuroi, utilizing their now-enhanced magical abilities, flaunting destructive weapons no human could manage. Fast forward to 1944—Yoshika Miyafuji is a young teenage girl who eventually decides to join the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, known as the "Strike Witches." With no formal training however, can Miyafuji learn to cooperate with her fellow Strike Witches? And if so, can she save humanity from the Neuroi onslaught? [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity


Source: Original

Studio's: Gonzo

Episode: 12 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jul 4 2008 to Sep 19 2008

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"STRIKE WITCHES ~Watashi ni Dekiru Koto~ (ストライクウィッチーズ ~わたしにできること~)" by Yoko Ishida

Ending Themes

1: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen and Saeko Chiba (eps 1-2) 2: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen and Kaori Nazuka (eps 3) 3: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen and Mie Sonozaki (eps 4) 4: "Bookmark A Head" by Chiwa Saitō and Ami Koshimizu (eps 5) 5: "Bookmark A Head" by Mai Kadowaki and Erika Nakai (eps 6) 6: "Bookmark A Head" by Miyuki Sawashiro and Sakura Nogawa (eps 7) 7: "Bookmark A Head" by Rie Tanaka and Saeko Chiba (eps 8) 8: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen and Miyuki Sawashiro (eps 9) 9: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen and Rie Tanaka (eps 10) 10: "Bookmark A Head" by Saeko Chiba and Miyuki Sawashiro (eps 11) 11: "Bookmark A Head" by Misato Fukuen, Saeko Chiba, Rie Tanaka, Miyuki Sawashiro, Kaori Nazuka, Sakura Nogawa, Mie Sonozaki, Chiwa Saitō, Ami Koshimizu, Mai Kadowaki, and Erika Nakai (eps 12)



6.94 (Scored by 70,429 Users)
4646 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Strike Witches


