

Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki and illustrated by Kakinouchi Narumi. The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a 27-year-old multilingual investigator that graduated from Tokyo University's elite Department of Law, and the bizarre cases she faces while working for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Yakushiji not only has to deal with supernatural beings in her line of work, but also her rival Yukiko Muromachi, another equally talented and beautiful police investigator. (Source: AniDB)

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older

Source: Light novel

Studio's: Doga Kobo

Episode: 13 eps

Duration: 23 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jul 6 2008 to Sep 28 2008

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

1: "Thème principal" by KATSU(angela)

Ending Themes

1: "À demain sur la lune" by KATSU(angela) (eps 1,3) 2: "Ryoko 2" by KATSU(angela) (eps 2,6) 3: "Songe d'une nuit d'été" by KATSU(angela) (eps 4,7,9,10,12) 4: "La Vie en rose" by KATSU(angela) (eps 5) 5: "Le combat" by KATSU(angela) (eps 8,11) 6: "Theme principal La chanson d'atsuko" by KATSU(angela) (eps 13)



7.04 (Scored by 6,407 Users)
4157 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Ryoko's Case File


