

High school student Sora Kashiwagi is accustomed to receiving bizarre presents from his father, who is on an expedition around the world. Unfortunately, these gifts have been nothing but nightmares. As a result, when his father sends him a huge package from Egypt, Sora prepares himself for the worst, only to be greeted by Mii-kun—a cute, pint-sized mummy! While initially wary, Sora soon learns that Mii-kun is harmless, a delicate creature yearning for attention. Throughout their amusing day-to-day lives, the unlikely pair meet other people with unique pets, while also strengthening their bond together. Although keeping a pet is a difficult task, Sora is set on caring for the lovable Mii-kun. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older

Source: Web manga

Studio's: 8bit

Episode: 12 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jan 12 2018 to Mar 30 2018

Premiered: n/a



Opening Themes

"Fushigi na Tabi wa Tsuzuku no sa (不思議な旅はつづくのさ)" by Tsuri Bit

Ending Themes

"Rosetta Stone (ロゼッタ・ストーン)" by Iketeru Hearts



7.46 (Scored by 56,011 Users)
2109 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


How to Keep a Mummy



  • How to keep a mummy
