

The anime centers around Kurumi Azuchimomoyama, a normal 14-year-old girl who attends Egaogaoka Middle School. One day, an angel named "Devilun" that looks like a Tasmanian devil appears before her, and grants her the power to be the beautiful magical girl dinosaur angel warrior "Prima Angel," and tells her to fight the evil "Darkness Whales" organization. She proceeds to indiscriminately take out Darkness Whales members with weapons that stink of blood. The protagonists are three boy classmates of Kurumi who watch the entire thing while not really doing anything. (Source: ANN)

Type: ONA

Rating: G - All Ages


Source: Original

Studio's: Pie in the sky

Episode: 25 eps

Duration: 4 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jul 30 2017 to Jun 30 2018

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

"Girls Only Miracle! (ガールズ・オンリー・ミラクル!)" by Mia Regina

Ending Themes

1: "Shiritsu Egaogaoka Chuugakkou Kouka (私立笑顔ヶ丘中学校 校歌)" by Kiyoshi Suzuki (Yuu Hayashi), Isamu Takahashi (Wataru Hatano), Shigeru Satou (Takuma Terashima) 2: "Bishoujo Mahou Shoujo Kyouryuu Tenshi Senshi Ouen Ka (美少女魔法少女恐竜天使戦士応援歌)" by Kiyoshi Suzuki (Yuu Hayashi), Isamu Takahashi (Wataru Hatano), Shigeru Satou (Takuma Terashima)



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