The series is about two boys named Tsukushi and Jin. Tsukushi is a boy with no special talent or traits while Jin is considered a soccer genius. On one stormy night, Jin meets Tsukushi, and they get dragged into the world of soccer. (Source: MAL News)
1: "Wake We Up" by HOWL BE QUIET (eps 1-12)
2: "Higher Climber" by HOWL BE QUIET (eps 13-24)
Ending Themes
1: "EVERLASTING DAYS" by Seiseki High School Soccer Club (Takuto Yoshinaga, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Daisuke Namikawa, Daisuke Ono, Mamoru Miyano) (eps 1-12, 24)
2: "DAYS" by Shout it Out (eps 13-24)