

Ever since her father used up the last of the family fortune and skipped town, Kanae Otowa has lived in her family's ancestral mansion, Otowakan. With no way to pay off her father's debts, Otowakan is being foreclosed and Kanae must oust the remaining residents—her friend Sousuke Kagura, and two strange people who claim to be her father's acquaintances, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. After somehow being resurrected, Mozart and Beethoven have started going by "Motes" and "Beethes" respectively, and begun to indulge in a variety of idiotic, non-musical pursuits. While stubbornly refusing to leave Otowakan, Beethes unlocks the hidden power of Musik, saving Otowakan from demolition and delaying his eviction. With this discovery, other Musik users are drawn to Otowakan, including Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt, and Franz Schubert. However, not all Musik users have innocent desires. Across the city, the enigmatic Johann Sebastian Bach sits atop a tall building, plotting how to use his Musik. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Source: Original

Studio's: Sunrise

Episode: 25 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Oct 8 2016 to Apr 1 2017

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

"ClassicaLoid: ClassicaLoid no Theme (ClassicaLoid ~クラシカロイドのテーマ~)"

Ending Themes

1: "Jounetsu ni Tsuite Kataru Beki 2, 3, no Shinjitsu ~Denen yori~ (情熱について語るべき2、3の真実 ~田園より~)" by Daisuke Hasegawa (eps 1) 2: "Ainekuraine Yoru no Music (アイネクライネ・夜のムジーク)" by tofubeat feat. Kana Hoshizaki (eps 2) 3: "Ai no Ya no Yume (愛の矢の夢)" by Daisuke Asakura feat. Yoko Ishida (eps 3) 4: "Lullaby" (eps 4) 5: "Koutei no Bigaku (皇帝の美学)" by Tomoyasu Hotei feat. Masato Takeuchi (eps 5) 6: "Yatterannai Kibun (やってらんない気分)" by CLASKEY:KLASKY (Kita Yatta & Shiori Satou) (eps 6) 7: "Honoo no Requiem (炎のレクイエム)" by tofubeats feat. Nanase Matsuoka (eps 7) 8: "Fool Love Rhapsody ~Hungarian Rhapsodies~ (Fool Love Rhapsody ~ハンガリー狂詩曲より~)" by Chihiro Yonekura (eps 8) 9: "Rokugen no Monster ~From Kreutzer Sonata~ (~六弦の怪物(モンスター) ~クロイツェルより~)" by Tomoyasu Hotei feat. Kenji Urai (eps 9) 10: "Yowa no Tsuki ~From Fantaisie-Impromptu~ (夜半の月(ヨワノツキ) ~幻想即興曲より~)" by EHAMIC feat. Galaco (eps 10) 11: "Shalala Nayandetemo Kaiketsusen ~From The Nutcracker~ (SHALALA 悩んででも解決せん~くるみ割り人形より~)" by Merumo Hisaoka, Kaori Horiuchi, Reiko Kubota & The Icchoume Choir (eps 11) 12: "How to Win! ~From Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll~ (How to Win! ~トッカータとフーガより~)" by Tsunku♂ feat Yukoh Kusunoki (eps 12) 13: "Masu (Brown Trout; ます)" by Franz Peter Schubert (eps 13) 14: "Aah, Endless Dream ~ From A Maiden's Prayer~ (嗚呼 えんどれすどりいむ ~乙女の祈りより~)" by Tsunku♂ feat Miwa Kominato (eps 14) 15: "Boku Futsuu (ぼくフツウ)" by Sousuke Kagura (Nobunaga Shimazaki) (eps 15) 16: "4.A.M. Nocturne" by EHAMIC (eps 16) 17: "Mikan Zombie March ~From Marcia Alla Turca~ (みかんゾンビマーチ ~トルコ行進曲より~)" by tofubeats feat. Amatsuki (eps 17) 18: "Maryoku no Aria (魔力のアリア)" by Tsunku♂ feat Hikaru Takahashi and U.M.E.D.Y. (eps 18) 19: "Hakuchou Rock ~From Swan Lake~ (白鳥ROCK ~白鳥の湖より~)" by Tsunku♂ feat Arisa Hario (eps 19) 20: "Shippuu Dotou ~From Symphony No. 25 in G minor~ (疾風怒濤 ~交響曲第25番より~)" by tofubeats feat. Akinori Nakagawa (eps 20) 21: "Schubert no Maoumichi (シューベルトの魔王道)" by Schubert (Tomoaki Maeno) (eps 21) 22: "Houjou no Yume ~From Für Elise~ (豊穣の夢~エリーゼのためにより~)" by Tomoyasu Hotei feat. Ayako Tanaka (eps 22) 23: "Funk Inazuma! ~From Suiten für Violoncello solo~ (Funk稲妻っ!~無伴奏チェロ組曲より~)" by Tsunku♂ feat. Yukoh Kusunoki, Emyli, Alisa K (eps 23) 24: "Subete wa Ai kara ~From Concerts avec plusieurs instruments~ (すべては愛から ~ブランデンブルク協奏曲より~)" by Tsunku♂ feat. Ayubee, Arisa Hario, Meruo Hisaoka & Tsunku♂ClassicaLoid Mix Choir (eps 24) 25: "ClassicaLoid: ClassicaLoid no Theme (ClassicaLoid ~クラシカロイドのテーマ~)" (eps 25)



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