

The story revolves around Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai as well as their teammates, Rantaro Kiyama, Daina Kurogami and Wakiya Komurasaki at the Beigoma Academy school in Japan. When not studying, the close friends are obsessed with their Beyblade, creating a school bey club later in the season and challenging each other to battles at their Bey Stadium. The friends eventually become friendly rivals as they compete against each other in a competition to claim the title of Japan’s top Blader. (Source: Beyblade Wiki)

Type: TV

Rating: PG - Children

Source: Manga

Studio's: OLM

Episode: 51 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Apr 4 2016 to Mar 27 2017

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

"Burst Finish! (バーストフィニッシュ!)" by Tatsuyuki Kobayashi

Ending Themes

"Believe" by SHIKLAMEN



6.62 (Scored by 20,717 Users)
6298 Ranked in Anime

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