

In the new series, Miraitchi and Kururutchi, twin sisters who dream of becoming designers, travel from the future back in time to modern-day Dream Town. (Their names are a wordplay on the Japanese words for "future" and "miracle.") To get back to the future, they must collect all eight Dreambakutchi — mysterious Tamagotchi who have escaped throughout the town. Mametchi joins Miraitchi and Kururutchi on their mission to find the Dreambakutchi, but then, an enigmatic Tamagotchi named X-Kamen (X-Mask) appears. (Sourse: ANN)

Type: TV

Rating: G - All Ages


Source: Unknown

Studio's: OLM

Episode: 29 eps

Duration: 23 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Sep 5 2013 to Mar 27 2014

Premiered: n/a

Opening Themes

"Miracle☆Travel (みらくる☆トラベル)" by Miraitchi (CV: Emiri Kato) and Kururutchi (CV: Chiwa Saito)

Ending Themes

"Itsuka Itsuka (いつかいつか)" by Tamagotchi (CV: Rie Kugimiya)



6.09 (Scored by 152 Users)
9464 Ranked in Anime

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