

Lucky☆Star follows the daily lives of four cute high school girls—Konata Izumi, the lazy otaku; the Hiiragi twins, Tsukasa and Kagami (sugar and spice, respectively); and the smart and well-mannered Miyuki Takara. As they go about their lives at school and beyond, they develop their eccentric and lively friendship and making humorous observations about the world around them. Be it Japanese tradition, the intricacies of otaku culture, academics, or the correct way of preparing and eating various foods—no subject is safe from their musings. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Source: 4-koma manga

Studio's: Kyoto Animation

Episode: 24 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Apr 8 2007 to Sep 17 2007

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

"Motteke! Sailor Fuku" by Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara & Aya Endou

Ending Themes

1: "Uchuu Tetsujin Kyoodain (宇宙鉄人キョーダイン)" by Aya Hirano (eps 1) 2: "Shouri da! Akumaizer 3 (勝利だ!アクマイザー3)" by Aya Hirano (eps 2) 3: "Sore ga, Ai Deshou (それが, 愛でしょう)" by Aya Hirano (eps 3) 4: "Sailor Fuku to Kikanjuu (セーラー服と機関銃)" by Emiri Kato (eps 4) 5: "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" by Aya Hirano (eps 5) 6: "Valentine Kiss (バレンタイン・キッス)" by Kaori Fukuhara (eps 6) 7: "Chijou no Hoshi (地上の星)" by Aya Endo (eps 7) 8: "Monkey Magic" by Aya Hirano (eps 8) 9: "Kogarashi ni Dakarete (木枯しに抱かれて)" by Aya Hirano (eps 9) 10: "I'm Proud" by Emiri Kato (eps 10) 11: "Doraemon no Uta (ドラえもんのうた)" by Kaori Fukuhara, Aya Endo, Aya Hirano, Emiri Kato (eps 11) 12: "Ike! Godman (行け!ゴッドマン)" by Aya Hirano (eps 12) 12: "Makenaide (負けないで)" by Kaori Fukuhara, Aya Endo, Aya Hirano, Emiri Kato (eps 12) 13: "Ore no Wasuremono (俺の忘れ物)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 13) 14: "Hare Hare Yukai (ハレ晴レユカイ)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 14) 15: "Koi no Minoru Densetsu (恋のミノル伝説)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 15) 16: "Misoji Misaki (三十路岬)" by Hiromi Konno (eps 16) 17: "Motteke! Sailor Fuku (Aimai Sunshine Ver.) (もってけ!セーラーふく(曖昧サンシャインver.))" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 17) 18: "Kaorin no Theme (かおりんのテーマ)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 18) 19: "Otoko no Iki-sama (男の生き様)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 19) 20: "Omuko Rumba (お婿ルンバ)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 20) 21: "Shikaidaa no Uta (シカイダーの唄)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 21) 22: "Shiraishi Medley (白石メドレー)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 22) 23: "Mikuru Henshin! Soshite Sentou! (ミクル変身!そして戦闘!)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 23) 24: "Ai wa Boomerang (愛はブーメラン)" by Minoru Shiraishi (eps 24)



7.75 (Scored by 329,857 Users)
1150 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:





  • Lucky Star
