

Kojou Akatsuki's days as an ordinary high school student in the Demon District of Itogami Island come to an abrupt end after a fateful encounter leaves him with the remarkable abilities of a vampire. It isn't long before he is thrust into the center of attention when it is discovered that he is the fourth primogenitor, an immensely powerful vampire whom most consider to be merely a legend. Fearing Kojou's destructive potential, the Lion King Organization sends in an apprentice sword-shaman, Yukina Himeragi, to monitor, and should he become a threat, kill the boy deemed the world's most powerful vampire. Forced together by circumstance, the two form an unlikely alliance as Kojou comes to terms with his abilities and they both struggle to protect the city from various emerging chaotic forces. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity


Source: Light novel

Studio's: SILVER LINK. Connect

Episode: 24 eps

Duration: 24 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Oct 4 2013 to Mar 28 2014

Premiered: n/a


Opening Themes

1: "Strike the Blood (ストライク・ザ・ブラッド)" by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets (eps 2-7, 9-13) 2: "Fight 4 Real" by ALTIMA (eps 14-24)

Ending Themes

1: "Strike the Blood (ストライク・ザ・ブラッド)" by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets (eps 1) 2: "Strike my soul" by Yuka Iguchi (eps 2-13) 3: "signal" by Kanon Wakeshima (eps 14-24)



7.01 (Scored by 317,219 Users)
4316 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


Strike the Blood



  • SutoBura
