

Kyousuke Ishihara is an average high school student residing in Tokyo. Recently, his younger sister, Namika, has moved back home after living in Osaka for 10 years. As Kyousuke tries to understand his sister's peculiar behavior and dialect, the two bond over their differences and the difficulties that come with change. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Type: TV

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Source: Original

Studio's: Charaction

Episode: 12 eps

Duration: 3 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Dec 22 2012 to Mar 16 2013

Premiered: n/a


Ending Themes

1: "Osaka Beautiful Name (大阪ビューティフル・ネーム)" by Kana Asum (eps 1) 2: "I'm proud Osaka (I'm proud 大阪)" by Kana Asum (eps 2) 3: "Sasubee wa Itsumo Ame (さすべえはいつも雨)" by Kana Asum (eps 3) 4: "Namiwa no Love Song (浪花のラブソング)" by Kana Asum (eps 4) 5: "Hanshin no Omoide ga Ippai" (阪神の思い出がいっぱい)" by Kana Asum (eps 5) 6: "Negiri no Ballad (値切りのバラード)" by Kana Asum (eps 6) 7: "Kiyou yo Doubutsu Gara no Fuku (きようよ どうぶつ柄の服)" by Kana Asum (eps 7) 8: "Jikai Yokoku no Uta (次回予告の歌)" by Kana Asum (eps 8) 9: "Motteke! Taisou Fuku (もってけ!体操ふく)" by Kana Asum (eps 9) 10: "Mahou no Kotoba: Osaka‐Ben (魔法の言葉〜Osaka-Ben〜)" by Kana Asumi (eps 10) 11: "Omrice no Onna (オムライスの女)" by Kana Asumi (eps 11) 12: "LA LA LA OINARI SONG (LA・LA・LA・OINARI SONG)" by Kana Asumi (eps 12)



5.76 (Scored by 8,806 Users)
10264 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:



  • Boku no Imouto wa "Oosaka Okan"


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