

The television shorts follow the original anime's Yoshida-kun character as he travels through western Japan's Shimane Prefecture, his birthplace, in the past. The opening season starts out with a modern Yoshida-kun looking at a photo album with Chancellor as the former recounts his youth including how he and Phillip met (as they were best friends before the start of the franchise and why Phillip so easily joined the organization). Each episode of the Shimane sightseeing guide program introduce one famous place in the prefecture. The anime concludes back in current time with the Chancellor completely shocked at Yoshida-kun's story. (Source: ANN edited)

Type: TV

Rating: G - All Ages


Source: Unknown

Episode: 9 eps

Duration: 3 min per ep

Airing: No

Airing Status: Finished Airing

Aired: from Jan 22 2012 to Mar 18 2012

Premiered: n/a


5.69 (Scored by 140 Users)
10585 Ranked in Anime

Also Known As:


秘密結社鷹の爪外伝 むかしの吉田くん

  • Eagle Talon
  • The Frogman Show


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