A comedy about a former genius who has now become very eccentric and senile. His family deals with all the crazy problems he and his old friends cause around the neighborhood.
(Source: AniDB)
"Tarirariran no Konyanyachi wa (タリラリランのコニャニャチワ)" by Columbia Yurikago Kai, Masashi Amenomori, グリンピース
Ending Themes
1: "Papa wa Yappari Subarashii (パパはやっぱりすばらしい)" by Columbia Yurikago Kai, Masashi Amenomori, Koorogi '73, 水谷賢
2: "Ganso Tensai Bakabon no Haru (元祖天才バカボンの春)" by Columbia Yurikago Kai, Koorogi '73